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Alkina is a 60 hectare farm with 43 hectares of planted vines. The youngest blocks were planted in 2017, while 6ha of the oldest vines were planted in the early 1950s by Les Kalleske. The original vineyard has been certified organic and biodynamic (Southern Cross Certified) since 2018. In that same year we added on the neighbouring 20ha Owens Vineyard, which is also farmed organically and biodynamically and recieved full certification in 2022. We strive to produce authentic terroir wines; meaning that the grapes communicate exactly where they were grown, with clear variations being found in the fruit from vines that are just a few metres apart. Central to this endeavour is soil health and plant and microbial diversity. 

We sow cover crops in every row to put nutrients and organic matter back into the soil. We mow under each vine row to manage the weed population and have cut out all synthetic chemicals. We have seen a significant decline in the weed burden over the last 5 years. This partnership with nature allows complex ecosystems above and below ground to develop naturally and flourish. A healthy, happy vineyard should be teeming with life. It’s so far from the bare earth monoculture vineyards that have turned grape growing into an industrial pursuit.

Click on the areas of the map below to find out more info.

The Ninety Eights

Just over 6ha of Shiraz, planted in 1998, in deeper alluvial soils. The vines in this area were suffering from increasing eutypa so in 2021 we re-worked these blocks, cutting out as much of the dead arm disease as possible. They always deliver a powerful, rich, round style of Shiraz and will now be much more productive and healthy as well.

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Owen's East

Home to an interesting mix of Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon and Nero d’Avola. A large portion of this area is along the creek line and shows some similarities to the 98 Blocks: deeper alluvial soils without a lot of rock. We’d love to say that we have unlocked the potential of Nero on this site but so far it has eluded us! 

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Owen's West

A fascinating part of the vineyard that has needed a lot of work. The western side of the vineyard, in general, is the rockiest and has the most interesting geology. In Owen’s West we have started a long process to raise this area to the potential we feel that it has, by pulling out a significant area of Petit Verdot, which isn’t suited to this site. Years ago this same spot used to be home to a terraced bush vine Grenache vineyard and so in late 2022 we plan to plant this again to Grenache, and according to mapping work we’ve undertaken with Pedro.

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The Old Quarter

Planted in the mid 1950s, the Old Quarter is home to gnarly old bush vines grown on fabulously diverse and rocky terroir. Remembering that this country has been calculated to have been formed between 600 and 700 million years ago, we see significant changes in the soils and rocks across small areas. These ‘patch dynamics’ have evolved over this time largely due to tectonic plate movement and dramatic climatic change and weathering. There is just under 3 hectares, planted to Mataro (0.5ha), Grenache (1.3ha) and Shiraz (0.85ha).

The Grenache plantings we have split into 4 Polygons: 2, 3,4 and 5, according to their diverse geology (see Polygon Project), and we pick and vinify all of these separately. Polygons 3 and 5 are bottled separately in tiny quantities, while Polygons 2 and 4 are the Grenache base for the wine we call Old Quarter. This is blended with some of the surrounding Shiraz and Mataro and the goal is to make the most beautiful wine that is representative of this special part of the vineyard. Thus far Grenache has always been the dominant variety in the blend and the wine always displays great energy, aromatic lift and velvet texture.

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Creek Blocks

The Creek Blocks are home to 1.86ha of Semillon plantings from 2017. Skirting the creek line these plantings are somewhat similar in soil composition to the low-lying 98s on the other side. In a curious twist a significant amount of Semillon here has mutated from its white form into a pink/red/gris variation. Even more strangely this seems to change vine-to-vine each season! Either way we love the opportunity to work with both versions of Semillon and it is home to our Kin Red Semillon. 

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Greenock Creek

Greenock Creek runs right through the heart of the farm and is a vital piece of the biodiversity puzzle, as well as being crucial to the geology of the vineyard. Vineyard areas close to the creek tend to have richer, deeper, clay-based soils, while sites on slopes and hills further from the creek are more rocky. Also the creek is home to a great diversity of insects and especially native bees. We know from a recent study that the vertical banks of the creek are crucial nesting sites for white and blue-banded bees, as well as many other important pollinators. 

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The Western Ridge

2017 plantings of Shiraz, Mataro and Grenache that have great potential. Kin Shiraz and Kin Grenache heartland.

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The Hills Blocks

Younger vine bush vine Grenache and Mataro, planted along the contours,  stretches up the side of the hill to the highest point of the vineyard. In early 2022 we identified two ridges within this area where the schist bedrock is extremely close to the surface. We have isolated these narrow, awkward areas of vines and vinify the fruit from these c. 200 vines separately...

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